Monday, June 4, 2007

Illegal Immigration; Final Blog

It is estimated that there are widely from 7 million to 20 million illegal aliens that are living in the United States today. Over 700,000 illegal immigrants cross the border illegaly compared to the 600,000 that come to America legally. What should we do about this rising problem?

The Immigration and Nationality Act of 1952 was passed that originally admitted only a certain number of immigrants of each nationallity. Congress has passed different laws since that for instance only immigrants with skills needed in America or with relatives were allowed. Whatever the case is the population change in Amereica has changed our lives. Around 10 million skilled jobs have been taken by illegal immigrants. Also almost 400 billion dollars have gone to the social services for illegal immigrants since 1996. The change of immigrant kids in public schools has also had a significent change. The cultural change of especially Mexicans, changes many peoples lives.

Each year houndreds of thousands of Mexicans risk there lives trying to cross the border between Mexico and the Untied States. They have to endure crossing hot deserts with no more than a back pack on there backs. To avoid border control they usually travel at night while hidde during the day. And on top of that they have to cross the nasty, dirty Rio Grande River. All of this just to hopefully make it to America in search of a better life. Many of these people are found in the desert dead. It is kind of sad to think of what these people would do for a chance to live better.

Growing up only an hour away from the border i know the affect of illegal immigrants in the community. I was born in Las Cruces, New Mexico and lived there until i was about 2. I dont remember much from when i lived there but everytime i go back to visit i realize that it wasnt a great place to raise kids. The poverty and homelessness is high along with the high crime and drug rate. The population of Mexicans was incredible. Im not saying they were illegal but im guessing at least half of them were.

The United States border control catch hundreds of illegal aliens daily. The fact is that there are millions more that are already here. In my opinion the government is more concerned about the immigrants crossing than the ones that are here. There needs to be more investigations on the Mexicans that live in communitys all over are country. I dont blame them for wanting to be here but i think that they should come legally. Also many of them are involved with crime such as drug smuggling. Almost 300 billion dollars has been wired to Mexico in the last few years. It just shows how many illegal immigrants are hear. I think that the illegal immigrant problem needs to be stopped soon?

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