Wednesday, March 14, 2007


Have you ever had one of those days where everything
seems like it is going wrong?
Well, if you have I'm having one of those days today.
And it sucks...A LOT!

my whole day has been based on bad events.
it makes me want to scream.

But i hope the rest of you have had an excellent day! :D

If you feel like today has been horrible, then you know how i feel.
And if you feel as if today has been great, your lucky!


omgzitsjenkins said...

omg! my day has been bad, too.
this isn't cool.
it's making me really upset.

Technolover said...

Oh, I feel bad for you guys. I guess I'm about average today. What made your day so bad?

student1127 said...

yeah i dont know why but alot
of people arent having the best day...

it's not cool at all. :(

Beefy Manwich said...

i don't know about you guys, but all of my days are always GREAT! sorry your having a bad day, though. :(

omgzitsjenkins said...

well, for me, one of my bestfriends got sent to ACE, which i guess, is a place for poeple who have a lot of truancies. so i wont get to see him for a couple of weeks. dangggggit.

omgzitsjenkins said...

beefy manwhich: you're lucky.
go throw a party or something.

student1127 said...

it's just been bad since i woke up this morning

little things.
but big enough to ruin my day.

i wish it wasnt like this.
hopefully, tomorrow is GREAT!!! :)

Beefy Manwich said...

i think i will.....................................................WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

student1127 said...

omgitsjenkins i agree beefy manwich should have a party lol.

Mrs. Valo♥ said...

Every day is a bad, bitter, dark day for me.

omgzitsjenkins said...

hahahahah @beffy manwhich.
wow. have fun with that :P

yeah. a lot of little things can pretty much ruin a day :/
but tomorrow should be better..
well, i hope :P

MyFallOutRomance said...

Oh wow. have we all had a bad day?? that's amazing. it kinda sucks because so many bad things happened to me that i can't even begin to explain.

student1127 said...

Mrs. Valo thats depressing....

cheer up :)

student1127 said...

falloutromance i think i feel ya'

and it sucks :(

Mrs. Valo♥ said...

Everything is depressing if you havent found out that life is all just a big let down.

omgzitsjenkins said...

mrs. valo: i agree, cheer up!
be haaaaaaaaappy!
hahaha. wow. kinda contridictical (is that word?!), huh? yep.

i think life isn't a letdown at all.
god (sorry to bring in religion) gave us life and a purpose.
i just haven't found mine yet, i geuss :/

Mrs. Valo♥ said...

I dont have a perpose in life, i dont think most of us do either, we are just here to rot and then die.

omgzitsjenkins said...

but i think that knowing we're going to die, makes life more valuable, no?

Mrs. Valo♥ said...

no, not really...

omgzitsjenkins said...

oh :/ well, it does for me.
it tells me that there are things i need to do before i die.
like..i don't know.
just, stuff, i geuss.

Mrs. Valo♥ said...

Ahh... There is nothing to live life for me. Well at least nothing to look forward too.

omgzitsjenkins said...

nothing to look forward to?!
hm. what about..going to collage?
or getting married,
or starting a family.

in my opinion, i think that's going to be pretty neat :P

uh, random question:
how do you put a picture in a blog?

student1127 said...

Mrs. Valo you cant tell the future so how do you know that?

student1127 said...

omzitsjenkins on the top of where you type theres a little picture of a mountain or something and if you click it, it brings up the uploading screen :]

student1127 said...

omzitsjenkins on the top of where you type theres a little picture of a mountain or something and if you click it, it brings up the uploading screen :]

Mrs. Valo♥ said...

Ok, I dont really care about doing any of those things, and I can just tell...

go to google, find a picture, save it on your computer, and then next time when your going to blog, there by the text size and the text colors is a thing where you can click on to upload a picture. Its very simple.

omgzitsjenkins said...

well, i guess it's different for every person.
and i wish you (or anyone for that matter)could see into the future.
that would be awesome!

okay :]

student1127 said...

you dont have to care about those things, i dont really.
but you should atleast believe theres hope, or a purpose of living
and not that were all going to rot away... i bet some of the people in this class room are going to grow up to do amazing things for people, it might even be you that does.

omgzitsjenkins said...

student1127 has a point.
i mean, hey..
you could grow up and..find the cure for cancer!
or something big like that.

MyFallOutRomance said...

yah. or you could just grow up to die. that's all of our fates, right? so what are we here for, anyways? even if we cure cancer, how many poeple in this world would be able to afford the new treatment? think about all of the poverty in the world

Mrs. Valo♥ said...

I already know the cure for cancer, but its to complicated for anyone to actually do it, just wait about a 1,000 more years, and then it will be easier to explain.

omgzitsjenkins said...

well, see? you're well on your way to giving the cure!

i wish today was different.
less sad, less depressing.

student1127 said...

well i just wish Mrs. Valo has the best life and loves everything about it one day, then one day she can come back and say wow i was completely wrong back then :) that would be awesome

Mrs. Valo♥ said...

Every day is depressing, and its never going to change.

omgzitsjenkins said...

yeah, me too :]
i guess if you just stay possitive,
anything can happen.

student1127 said...

dont worry it will... it always does :)