Monday, March 12, 2007

This Post is NOT about "To Kill a Mockingbird"

I know that everybody is posting about to kill a mockingbird, because that is what we are reading in class, but I am reading a series of books that, sorry Ms. James, is better than To Kill a Mockingbird. It is the Left Behind fo kids series, and it is simply incredible.

The main story of this book is about 4 kids who are not christians and are leading bad lifestyles, when the "rapture" occurs and takes away all the christians from the world and leaves all the non-christians on the now chaotic Earth. these 4 kids team up and find god, and decide to teach other kids about God, and save as many people as possible before the Tribulation occurs and the world as we know it comes to an end.

While their doing this, a mean guy, actually, he is the Antichrist (Devil), named Nicolae Carpathea basically takes over the world and forces people to worship him. So the kids have to hide from him and his "Peacekeeper" soldiers, while trying to survive the many plagues that God casts down upon the now evil Earth, and also have to try to show some people to God aswell. Sounds pretty tuff, huh.

I know what most of you are thinking: This is one of those boring, stupid christian books that just shows a bunch of people praising Jesus and reading bible verses. This book does have some of that, but it has so much action, violence, and blood, you would think it was a book about a war. Well, technically it is a war, but that is beside the Point.

This seriesis both spiritually uplifting, and gore filled, so it is the perfect combination for me, and i am currently on book 34 out of 40, so Im almost done, and I encourage all of you to go and get the first book, because you'll want to get the second, and third, and fourth, and never stop. That is how good it is.

Anyway, that is pretty much it. Adios muchachos

Beefy manwich A.K.A Jesus Freak


crossoverflash03 said...

Dude you should read the adult series to! They are some of the best books I have ever read!

Technolover said...

I love the adult series! I finished it last summer. The kids series kinda bored me after awhile, I'm sorry to say.

theBEST_bj said...

My grandma bought me a few of those books. I have like 4 of them? But I just stopped reading them for some reason. My dad has got the entire adult series which I could read. I remember from reading a few of the kids one, that they are good books. Maybe the adult series will be just as good!