Sunday, June 3, 2007


Recently this year I read a book called Code Orange. It was about a kid who thinks he accidently contracted the small pox infection. He goes on to a messege board site, and posts questions saying that he has small pox and he has small pox scabs. The next day he is abducted by terrorists who intend to use him as a "weapon" to contaminate other people.
This is an example of bioterrorism. Bioterrorism is where terrorists use viruses, bacteria, or other germs to cause illness or death in people, animals, or plants. Here is a link to the Center for Disease Control for more information on bioterrorism. There are many forms of terrorist attacks, but in my opinion biterrorism is particulary dangerous because all it takes is one microscopic germ to start the attack. And also the germs spread rapidly through a variety of ways from one person to another so a large group of people could be infected and not know about before it's too late.
Another example of bioterrorism is right after the 9/11 attacks, the U.S. had an anthrax scare. Anthrax was spread through the postal system of the U.S. using letters containing powder with the anthrax virus. Just recently as in the last few days if you have heard, a man named Andrew Speaker was told that he had got tuberculosis while on his honeymoon over seas. He was highly encouraged not to travel for risk of a spread of the disease, but he did anyway. He was finally caught, not knowing the danger he could of caused. Here is a link to more information about this if you have not heard about it.
As you can tell bioterrorism is very bad and dangerous. The germs used can be highly contagious and lethal. Just to give you a hint of the damage they can cause and how bad they are, I have provided a link to pictures of the smallpox infection on real human bodies. (Warning: pictures are a little disturbing.) Here is the link.
So this is my final blog post. My hope was that you learned more about bioterrorism and biological warfare in general. I know this is a little unnerving, but it is real, and terrorists have been proven to use it.
I hope everyone has a great last week of school, and a great summer!!!!


Beefy Manwich said...

yo dawg, those pictures are crazy!

crossoverflash03 said...

Yea dude I know. That would be horrible to have.

Micaela said...


crossoverflash03 said...

What does ¡Guácala! mean?