Monday, June 4, 2007

Teen Death Causes; Final Blog Post

We hear kids talking about killing themselves all the time. Sometimes they might not even realize what they are doing to themselves. Homicide, suicide (along with depression), or accidental substance abuse causes many deaths all around America. They may not always do it, but some do. The leading causes are tring to get away from an extremely hard situation, to get relief from bad thoughts or sadness, a death of a close friend or family member or just thinking that there is no way out, felling of anger, being guilty, victimized, depressed, rejection, feeling ashamed, unwanted of uninvolved. Usually, the thought of death is just a moment idea. Not something that they truly wanted to carry out with.
Everyone has moments were they are hurt, unwanted and rejected. What makes other people want to end their own life because of these things, while others just brush it off? I think the answer is depression. Some people have it, others don't.
This makes people see the harder more drastic and bad part of their lives. Kind of like seeing the glass half empty instead of half full. Because of depression, people usually think that a happy ending is never possible and everything will always turn out bad, or not as they had planned it to be. Depressiopn distorts thinking, and puts a filter on people's minds stopping them from being practicle. This is why the decide death is the only permanent answer to just a temporary problem.
:Substance Abuse:
These kids are more at risk of death then suicide attempted kids because of their "dangerous" behavior. These drugs can not only cause poor judgement, but also cause depression as well. Most suicide attempts actually occur during that person being under the influence. Here, you can read all about drugs. These all have dangerous effects on the brain that cause depression and a few trips to the hospital and rehab center.
Homicide is the killing of one person by another. The national rate of homicide is 5.6. Just in Missouri, it is 6.9 followed by other states such as Louisiana with a 9.9 rate in just one year. Missouri is eleventh on the chart for having the highest murder rates. Reason for homicides are, arguments, robberies, felonies, narcotics and other unstated reasons.

We all have a choice with only one chance to live. I would suggest for us all to make the right choice and keep that once chance we have. We can all prevent ourselves from suicide and substance abuse. And it is always wise to get help when dealing with problems like depression. Although we can do nothing about homicide, we can always try to make a good path for ourselves in the end. Don't be stupid in life, after all we only have one chance before it can all be taken away from us. :(


blondie said...

i'll never understand why someone kills themselves. In my opinion i think its just selfish and wanting attention in the most durastic form. i've thought about this more lately since my cousin and i still dont understand it.

kaybee395 said...

This is sad, but yet very true. I've dealth with so many people in my life, that have talked about committing suicide. Just thinking living a life without that person, gives me the chills. I don't understand how a person can committ suicide:/? It's just so... selfish, inconsiderate and dumb. I don't understand what suicide solves. That one person's "problems" in their life? There's always a way to help someone with a problem. ALWAYS. No matter what it is. So if ending your own life, just to put yourself out of your misery, is so ridiculous. There's always at least one person out there that loves you,and their whole world is going to be crushed when they hear the news that they won't ever be able to speak to you again.

Good topic to blog about:)!

Laura Stevens said...

thanks guys!
But ya, they see suicide as something that is everalsting to end a temporary problem. IT is soo stupid! I wish people could just not be depressed. It would make the world a lot easier!!