Thursday, April 5, 2007


Well, we are finally over with
to kill a mockingbird and i must say it was really good, one of my favorite readings. Now we are going to read a "play" ,as Ms. James would call it, that I'm not to fond of. Shakespeare. I don't know, I've heard some good things about it from the girls, but all the guys said it sucked and they gave away the ending for me. That's OK because I heard it was just a bunch of gibberish. Hope you all enjoy this picture I found see you guys in class.



crossoverflash03 said...

Yea its a good war book that is fiction. The author is Dean Hughes. I just read another book by him called "Soldier Boys." It was good to.

kdizzle16 said...

I wouldn't call To Kill A Mockingbird one of my favorite reads, but I definitely agree with Shakespeare being boring...I don't understand why Shakespeare's plays can't be translated into today's English, so then maybe we could understand it more. Hopefully this all goes well...