Friday, April 6, 2007


This is the new book i am reading. it is very strange and weird. So far i am on like page 24 and these 2 kids get into a car crash and they end up dieing and goin to this place called everlost where their not in heaven or hell but like in the middle. also there is certain rules that apply to being dead. like you have to be in a dead place like a forest of all dead trees to stand on a flat surface because if you stand in a live place like the highway or the garden you start to sink and you will end up in the middle of the earth. i dont know if this is going to turn out to be a good or bad book. I really want to read burned or impulse by ellen hopkins because i thought crank was a really good book.

1 comment:

Mrs. Valo♥ said...

woah, that book sounds weird. hehe. i gotta read it.