Friday, April 6, 2007

Red Rabbit or Dead Rabbit?

Tom Clancy is confusing. Ive heard from people that all of his books are really good, but im reading one called Red Rabbit, and im through 30 pages and am totally lost. It is going back and forth between the U.S. CIA, the british intelligence agency, and the Russian KGB. I don’t know who any of the people are and I don’t know what they are doing. I don’t know if I could still read it or drop it and get a new book.

People who have read his books before: do they all start out slow, and will it get better? Did I pick the wrong book, and if so, which of his books are good ones?

Beefy Manwich

1 comment:

crossoverflash03 said...

Yea I love the videogames! ha ha!
But I haven't tried to read the books. They seem confusing and so far it seems they are to you to. I bet the book will get better, but I don't know.