Wednesday, April 4, 2007

Who would think what?

YAY! We're completely finished now with To Kill a Mockingbird!

When we did the survey yesterday in class there were many quotes, and you could answer true or false for each character about which you though they would agree, or disagree. One of the quotes that caught my eye, and the character was.. "Girls should act like girls." For Aunt Alexandra's line put true, because she DEFINITELY agreed with this quote, by the way she treated scout. She would tell scout that she needed to wear dresses more, and start acting like a lady, rather than wear overalls and play outside all day. Scout, would disagree with this quote I think, because she loved being comfortable in her own clothes and playing with Dill and Jem.

I also started a new book called "Uglies" it's really fictional, but i like it alot because I notice that it gets me sort of lost in the book. Anyways, I hope you all had a great spring break and everything:)

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