Friday, April 6, 2007

Shakespear insult!

On the site Ms. James gave us are some insults from Shakespear.My favorite ones are "You should be women and yet your beards forbid me to interpret that you are so".This one means pretty much what it says and is to be directed at a woman with a bit of a facial hair problem!Another one of my favorites is "You are an index and a prologue to the history of lust and foul thoughts".The index and the prologue are the parts of a book that tell you what is in it - hence someone who was these would know all the information in the book inside out. Basically, it's accusing someone of being a lech and a pervert.What is some of your favorite insults from the site we were supposed to look at?


Technolover said...

Huh. I interpreted that first one differently. I think the insultor is saying that the men he's talking to are either acting, or look like women, but they have beards, so he can't call them women directly. ^-^ but anyways, it's still funny.

Colten said...

Let's meet as little as we can. I do desire we be better strangers.

Just kidding! Another shakespear insult.

Katie said...

Well the first one i got what it meant off of the website Ms.James gave us and that is what it said the definition was.