Friday, June 1, 2007

Best Blog!

The book I read along time ago, like in the beginning of 4th quarter, was called Jude by kate morgenroth.It was about a boy who witnesses his fathers death because his father shorted some drug dealers and then has to tell what he saw to an attorney .The district attorney he talks to ended up being his mother.His dad took him at birth so he never got to see her before.Well then he went to live with her and her boyfriend he created a scheme to get Jude to go to prison.Harry[mothers boyfriend] got Jude caught selling drugs as part of a plan for jude to help his mothers political career and win her approval.Jude then had to go to court and was sent to prison like planned.When he got out he tried to turn his life around but most of all he wanted to get back at Harry.If you haven't raed this book yet I think you should because it is suprising and good.

Well the reason I posted this is because I saw this radio diary thing on the site Ms.James gave us.The radio diary was called doing time:John's diary.The story is about a 21 year old male who got caught robbing and had to go to prison when he was 17.he is serving 7-9 years for armed robbery.Much like Jude in the book I read he has to go through prison life which is tough and at a young age like 17.To read and learn more about the radio diary go to this link.

Another story that reminded me of my book Jude is when two 15 year old boys were caught with cocaine that was ready to sell.Police think the boys were not the only ones behind this just like in the book when Jude got set up. To read more about this story go to this link .
I think that teenagers going to prison at ages 17 would stink.If you had to do very much time at all you would miss your senior year in high school,be really far behind in school,and your friends would move on to college before you got out so everyone would be gone.i think it would be really hard also because the older people would gang up on the little people.It can be prevented though as long as you don't do anything to get stuck in prison and you don't get yourself mixed up in a crazy scheme for approval of your mother.

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