Friday, June 1, 2007

Depression =[

Well for my totally awesome blog I decided to post a blog about depression and nightmares. I picked this because I read two great books called The Boy With The Thorn In His Side and Chicken soup for the teenage Soul IV. I think depression is a very big issue in the world today. In Boy With The Thorn In His Side I have kinda blogged about it already. You can check out the link. Anyways, it’s about this boy that seemed to feel he is stupid and nobody cared about him, even his parents. So he goes to see a psychiatrist and he gives him some medication that gives him these wonderful nightmares where he has friends, fits in and just enjoys him self. The book is non-fiction because it’s based on real nightmares. Later in the author’s life he OD-ed on his meds and came close to dying. If you wanna hear more about his life check this out: Peter Wentz. You should totally check his book out too, The Boy With The Thorn In His Side.

In Chicken soup for the teenage Soul IV, there was a story about a girl who had to deal with depression. The story was called, “A Step towards Healing”. It was great because she got help from her mom and everything worked out.

So depression is pretty much taking over everyone's life. It is really becoming a problem. 9.5 percent of the population, or about 18.8 million American adults and 15 percent of those will die by suicide. That's 30,535 cases a year.

Something that i found really interesting was that guys kill themselves more often then girls do. More than four times as many men as women die by suicide and Boys kill themselves six times more then girls. In 2000, the united States had 4,294 suicides from ages 10-to-24 year old and only of them were girls. For the most part, you think girls are the more emotional and sad people, but that's not true.

I was on this website and it talked alot about post-traumatic stress disorder. It's a mental disorder that causes terrible nightmares in young children. Which is what i think happened to the author of The Boy With The Thorn In His Side. So you should check that website out more to learn more about how PTSD and nightmares go hand in hand.

Anyways, I think this was a very important subject to blog about. Depression is a very sad, common thing. A lot of the time we can't avoid it, but there are also a lot of cases where we can. We can help people by making them feel like they matter to everyone and you are there tto talk to them. That's all i really got to say about that. Just make everyone matter in life, smile, and be happy. You only have one life, make it a good one. =]

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