Friday, April 6, 2007


Well I am glad we are done with To Kill A Mockingbird and are now starting Romeo and Juliet.To Kill A Mockingbird was very boring to me.Hopefully Romeo and Juliet will be better and not so boring.It is really cool the sheet of words Ms. James gave us.Shakespear made up all the words himself like jig,howl,eyeball,and glow.Those are just a few considering he made up more than 2000 words and expressions!Yesturday we read a little about Shakespear himself and it told about his Wooden O theater.We also learned about some of the Shakespear insults and got a sheet to make up our own which is pretty interesting.When I went to the site Ms. James told us to go on today it showed some Shakespear insults and what they mean.A few are never hung poison on a fouler toad,which means toads were believed to be poisonous, were held to be ugly, and were associated with evil. Saying this would be calling someone more poisonous and horrible than a toad, and I would not be in some of your coats for twopence,that meant I wouldn't wear that if you paid me. I am kind of excited to learn more of the insults and actually hear them in the story.

1 comment:

A_Band_Geek said...

Haha, the insults were funny! They have to be funny in order to be insults, but these are just... I don't know! Just saying them makes you smart and stupid at the same time! Can't wait to read it!