Thursday, April 5, 2007

Why Help Ghana?

There are many people in this school that are asking this question:
  1. Why should I help Ghana?
  2. Why shouldn’t you?
  3. I mean why not do it for the sake of it?
  4. Why help Ghana when our country needs help too?
And to this question I can answer: we do it because they don’t have the things we have in the U.S. and it makes me really mad and it upsets me because people won’t help another country. Why be greedy with money, it’s only a dollar or a quarter, or dime, or nickel, or even a penny. But all I know is that we should help Ghana because they need more things than we do. Why be so selfish as to help your own country first? When the homeless doesn’t have a place to go to they go to a place like the homeless shelter where they can stay at. And when the people in Ghana don’t even have an education and not even clean water to drink from.

Tell me exactly who needs help more? The U.S. where we can provide nutrients and a bed for the homeless (I’m not trying to go against the U.S. or anything but I think we could do better that that) or Ghana where little children have swelled up bellies because they don’t have food to eat so then their bodies eat all of the fat in their bodies and then starts dissolving the stomach muscle causing it to look really swelled up. And when Ghana doesn’t even have clean water where they can drink out of and instead of that they have dirty contaminated water where worm like creature live and then when the water is drunken, the worms grow in the stomach of children. This devastates me so much that I feel like making a bigger difference but don’t know what else to do but to donate money to the school.

It’s only a dollar people or even some loose change would go as far as to provide food for the people over there. It just makes me so angry to here that people don’t want to donate money because our people need more help. I mean we are trying to help people in the Katrina incident or the homeless or even the abused ones. And even kids with enough money to go to school; go the distance for a good education because they want to be successful and have a decent living. But all I’m trying to make my point across is that one dollar can go so far to change someone’s life. And in other countries 1 dollar can feed up to 20-30 people, where as a dollar can barely buy water over here in this country. It really doesn’t make a difference of whose people we helping because we are all the same so why not help the same people? What did they do to deserve the kind of disrespect they have from you (this goes to the people who don‘t care)? What makes them so different except fact that they live in another country, language, culture, or environment?

This really disappoints me to hear people being so greedy as to have the money themselves. What can losing a dollar do to you? And I not very “rich” myself but I do try to help them. Thank you for your time on reading this and please comment me back about this if you have any questions or arguments.


kaybee395 said...

i definitely agree with you.

I can't stand it that so many Americans are so self centered. The majority of United States people are so spoiled and those poor kids in Ghana have barely anything and we complain about giving up some spare change. It's pathetic. I'm raising money for Ghana at my church also:)

Thanks for the post.

Beefy Manwich said...

my dad went to uganda, which is just like ghana, and he said that their living conditions are terrible there. they don't have clean water and they live in little straw and clay huts. they can't read and they have a hard time surviving, so we need to reallyl help them. they can't help themselves, but somebody has to.

like in mockingbird, go in their shoes and walk around in them for a little bit, and think about it. would you want to live like that?

Micaela said...

I think that it is really cool how just a dollar to us is a bottle of water, but to people in Ghana it can mean 30 people will live another day. We often take things for granted, and don't think that donating a dollar could help out other people. This Ghana project is a really good thing to do, because so many people really care.

Mrs. Valo♥ said...

Don't ever send money to other countrys! the government takes it all. thats why that country still has that problem. If it werent for the govronment they would have clean water and whatever else we have. if you want to help them, go adopt one or bring fresh water to them, but dont trust other people with you money.

soccerstud23 said...

I think that it is good to send money to Ghana but people here need help too. For example people in New Orleans and plenty of families here in the ozarks need our help. I realize that the living conditions in Ghana are really bad and all but I think that we should work harder to help people here before we focus on people overseas.

Beefy Manwich said...

ms valo, i guess you have no soul for those poor little children, and you'd rather keep the money for yourself to buy a candybar.

and by the way, it doesn't go to the gov if you donate to the right organization, like Convoy of Hope. We sent the water filters and stuff directly there and install them ourselves, so the government can't take it.

i guess you were wrong there.

booya, owned

im out

Laura Stevens said...

ooo. i loved this post!

It almost made me cry. Just like Kb said, we are so self-centerned and only concerned with ourselves,
it kinda makes me mad, even though i am an American citizen i still dont think everything we do is right.

I really like of Mr. Edwards is going over there, it really shows that he truly cares for the world


theBEST_bj said...

I very much agree with your blog post, as well. People in the United States are all soo... SELFISH! It's ridiculous. I mean, I've got a little bit of money & yeah I spend it on myself. But that doesn't mean I can't give some of it away! Making people happy makes me happy. Seeing pictures of people in Ghana just makes my stomach turn. It's SO SO SO sad. My dad lived in South Africa for a few months last year because of his business, and he came back with so many sad stories and pictures. But a lot of good stories as well. A man he worked with had three children and lived (literally) in a tin hut. His children weren't going to get ANYTHING for christmas, and they rarely even had food on the table.. not that they could afford a table or anything. My dad got this man to get his children to make a Christmas list. So they did and my dad and all his buddies got these kids what was probably the best Christmas of their life. I was SO proud of him. I may not have donated that much to the Ghana fund, but I gave what I could and I hope it helps..

Ashley said...

Hey guys, I really appreciate your comments and I really don’t mind when some one wants to argue with me because it shows how other people have a perspective of things. And I’m not to sure about the government taking all the money but if they do then why show the video about Ghana to us? So I really encourage people to really make a difference in the world because “all men are created equal” (a quote from Thomas Jefferson). And it really is pitiful when people can’t think about nothing else except themselves. And I’m not just concern for the people in Ghana but all I’m trying to say is donating money won’t hurt anyone. And I do realize that people in town do live in bad conditions too, but there are resources to for them to get help like the homeless shelter where they can provide food and a bed for them to sleep. But in Ghana, they don’t have the kind of organization as we do over here. And for those who donate money to the fund, I’m sure you made a difference already and people in Ghana will appreciate your help as well as I do (because it makes me really depress to see them in their conditions). Please spread the word to other people and let them know that 1 dollar can make a difference.