Wednesday, May 9, 2007


Well, I need to post, and I thought of this a while ago, but I just keep forgetting to post it. Is what we write about effected by our backgrounds. Our blog has a black background, so do the topics we write about tend to have a darker mood. We do seem to stick right on the subject, almost all of them are about Shakespeare or books. But would our blog be different if we had a white or blue background? It could subconciously have an affect on what we write. Well, that's my best try at being a pyschiatrist.

Shakespeare Update:
Everything seems to be moving fast. They meet, two hours later they are engaged, and less than 24 hours later they are married!!!! And the next day Mercutio and Tybalt die. Romeo isn't a wimp anymore, but it's too late for Mercutio. Just my thoughts....


Technolover said...

Haha. I like your condensed version of the play. Hmm, the background thing might have some truth. It would be interesting to explore.

kdizzle16 said...

I know! I can't believe how fast romance moves in this play! I have a friend who thinks taking things slow is two weeks (which isn't slow at all), so maybe she would fit in with the characters in this play, ha ha. My sister and her boyfriend have been together for over four years, and they met when she was 16. I think they're getting married next summer or the one after that, things aren't for sure. They are definitely taking things slow.

Micaela said...

I think that the color of the background, as well as the set up of the blog affects the way we blog and what we blog about. You wouldn't make a bad pyschiatrist with what you said in the first paragraph. Stuff like that really makes you think!