Wednesday, May 9, 2007

Black and White

I got a new book I'm reading. It's called Black and White. It's about two kids in high school, one black, one white. It's pretty much a black neighborhood. But the white and black kid become friends and they are really good at basketball. They are the stars of the high school team. Well anyway they need money for senior dues where they get all this stuff for graduating and go to like Bear Mountain and Six Flags. Well they are kind of poor, and the money that they are saving, they spend of the new nike basketball shoes. Now they won't have enough time to get money for the trip because they don't want to work at a mcdonalds, because it might hurt their "image." So they steal one of their uncle's guns and start doing stick-ups. They accidently kill someone I think, they are not sure, so they are in big trouble.

That's what it is about so far.



kdizzle16 said...

It sounds like a good book. Is it set in modern times? It's kinda weird how people act when they don't want to ruin their reputation...but it's normal, I guess.

AIR JORDAN 23 said...

Dang man you find all of the cool books its not fair. I wish i had time to read all the cool books. Let me know what happens and if they killed the person. Well talk to ya later.