Thursday, May 31, 2007

Finally DONE!

Finally DONE!

I know I've been reading this book forever, but I finally finished last night. It turned out really awesome, and just about everybody lived happily ever after.

At first, I was like, what the heck is going on? But at the end, the author ties everything together. He is so detailed, but it makes the whole story better.

There is this married couple, Dusty and Martie, and Martie's best friend's name is Susan. Susan suffers from agoraphobia, a fear of open spaces. Martie takes Susan to therapy with Dr. Ahriman every week, and then Martie begins to suffer from autophobia, which is a very rare, and is a fear of one's self. Dusty's younger brother, Skeet, tries to kill himself by jumping off a roof, and is then admitted to this rehab clinic for the millionth time.

Dusty and Martie begin experiencing lapses in their day that they can't explain. Susan has been getting a mysterious night visitor, whom she suspects is her estranged husband Eric. But it turns out that Dr. Ahriman is a jerk and has been "hypnotizing" people, so to speak, so that he can play his own sick little games with them and then they won't remember any of it.

This book was so amazing, and I recommend it to anyone who likes mysteries. I had no idea how the whole story tied together until the very end, and, like I said, just about everybody lives happily ever after.

1 comment:

omgzitsjenkins said...

oh wow, that sounds really good (: