Thursday, May 10, 2007


For any of you who missed Mr. KHS Thursday night you missed out. It was really funny!

The show started off with the guys all dressed in slacks, a nice shirt, and tie. The canidates were:
Freshmen-Jacob Kenney and Sean Marren
Sophomores-Tyler Bennett and Scott Day
Juniors-Micheal Williams and Nile Forsyth
Senoirs-Adam Peterson and Luke Prater
Teachers-Mr. Wilbur and Mr. Felts

Also in the show there was the swimsuite competion, there were interview questions, and the guys had to "crossdress" which they wore dresses, skirts, heels, and some wore wigs as well. Before the final five were chosen all the guys danced to Shania Twain's "Man I Feel Like a Woman" song and it was so funny, because some guys got really into it and others had no idea what they were doing.

After all this the top five were chosen and both teachers, both seniors, and Nile Forsyth were chosen as the top five. Then the guys showed us what there talent was. All of them were good, but I liked Nile's the most. There was singing, opera singing, lip singing, hair dresser, and Nile playing his drums. After this the guys dressed in their favorite outfit and then were asked one last interview question and then the winner was chosen.

Second Runner Up-Adam Peterson
First Runner Up-Luke Prater
Winner-Nile Forsyth

If you didn't go you missed a lot.


theBEST_bj said...

You used an awful lot of full names:/

theBEST_bj said...

oh well, if mrs. james doesn't have a problem with it than it ain't no thaaang. i wish i would have gone, but i didn't. i'm so glad nile won, i love him:D

Micaela said...

Mr. KHS was really funny. I thought it was funny when Jacob had to go to the bathroom at the very beginning of the show. I would have liked it better if we were able to see all of the contestants' talents. Jacob was going to twirl a baton, but since he wasn't in the top 5, we didn't get to see his wonderful talent!

Nile did a really good job and his talent was the best out of anyone’s.

m1012 said...

thebest_bj-Oh, I completely forgot about the rule with all the names. I wrote this post late last night.

Micaela-Yeah I know jacob was so funny! Especially when he was supposed to be just standing up on the stage and he couldn't stop moving. He also had some really interesting poses....if you know what I mean. Anyways I thought the whole show was really funny. I can't wait until next year.