Tuesday, May 29, 2007

People's Actions

Allright, i dont know why this popped into my head and i'm sure most of you are going to disagree with me on this but you know the kids/people that are in trouble alot. and im not just talking about like bad grades, or a referral every now and then. and people that are really annoying and mean. and i dont mean they're just annoying to you and thats your opinion. OK..wow this is alot harder to explain than i thought so im just gonna say what i think and if any of you get what im saying comment. :) well...anyway lately i've noticed people that have that problem it seems that everyone always just blames it on their parents. And im not saying that parents arent a HUGE influence on their kids. but i just dont like how people are blaming their kids actions like being mean to people on the parents. i mean, its the persons choice to behave like that...have them take responsibility for that. I know theres alot of parents who just dont care but theres also parents who do care and try to help but they cant and their kids still act that way. I just dont think people should blame someone else's actions on somebody else...even if it is their parents. And if you're saying "well maybe the parent acts the same way which is why the kid acts that way" well..if anything i think the kid would learn from that and not want to be like that because if he hasnt figured out that being mean or watever they're doing isnt good then he's wayyyy to sheltered. well..thats how i feel and if you can understand what im trying to say then bonus points for you!! lol.


Phasma said...

I understand the point that you're trying to make. And, while I do agree that its not right for people to always use their parents as an excuse for their behavior, I also think that there are some things that really do stem from one's environment growing up. I guess I'm trying to say that the things that make up our lives when we are young do impact our personalities and behavior, but the way that it does is determined by the individual.... as you were saying, that people can decide for themselves if a certain behavior is appropriate, and learn from what they have seen as children. Does that make sense? I hope so...Anyways.

Peace and Love.

kdizzle16 said...

I totally understand what you are trying to say. And I agree that you shouldn't blame everything on your parents, or where you came from, or whatever, but a person's environment does affect how a person turns out. Like you said, some parents just don't care, but some of the parents that do care don't know the right thing to do. And, although some parents take their kids for granted, I think that A LOT of kids take their parents (or guardians) for granted. I don't know where I was going with that, but good post.