Friday, May 11, 2007

VADER, Mercutio, and Romeo

Hokay, here is how it's gunna go.

Tybalt is Vader(me)

colten is Mercutio

Katie is Romeo

Laura is Benvolio

This is the layout for our reenactment of act 3 scene 1.

Basically what we did was translate the original text into modern terms, with little snippits of star wars in it. The reason we did a star wars theme was because we needed swords for our fight scene, and we only had lightsabers at our houses, so we decided to use them and throw in a little star wars flare along with it. This is the scene where both mercutio and tybalt die, and where romeo is banished from verona. it is a major turning point in the play, because it increases the hatred between the families, and it also foreshadowes what will happen in the future(" a curse, o both your houses!").

here is a link to the star wars web site, where you can see sweet star wars stuff.

That's all for now, hope you enjoy our skit on monday!

Beefy Manwich


blondie said...

haha...nice. i never thought of comparing romeo and juliet with star wars but its really cool!

Colten said...

The stars wars website was awesome. The makers of the original trilogy left comments about quirks in the movie. When Han Solo destroys the droid thing on the ice planet in Episode 5, the sound the used for it was a Shakespearian actor that they changed electronically.