Monday, May 7, 2007


are we always supposted to blog about?
i dont get it at all. by the time i post this blog, it will be at the very end of the page.
its not even worth the time to post one of these, she probably wont even check half of these.
i hate school so much, NEVER take honors science... becuase they never explain things, and just throw assiagnments in your face, and im failing. it sucks. next year im not taking honors at all.


omgzitsjenkins said...

that's what i always think (about blogging). plus, we always blog about the same things, so there's nothing new to blog about.
no one's gunna want to read the same thing over and over again.

Beefy Manwich said...

i like the blog, and you guys are just being bad sports. don't just blog about books, but stuff we talked about in class, and movies and stuff.

don't be so stubborn

Mrs. Valo♥ said...

what else are we supposed to blog about?!

omgzitsjenkins said...

haha, thanks, Manwich.

Mrs. Valo♥ said...

that was alot of help...

Katiedogg said...

I realize you may think I don't know how to read, but I do, and I LOVE reading all that you write. There really are a lot of different things that people write about...issues that arise in their independent reading or in-class reading...issues that have popped up in current events...questions you'd like addressed about something we did in class or in your homework...interesting research you can link us to...even poetry by your favorite poet. Way to go! Thanks so much for sharing. My favorite Poe poem is Annabelle Lee.

Katiedogg said...

I get a lot of my ideas about what to blog about from reading the blog! Lake_Wobegon's post yesterday offered new topics about Romeo and Juliet. Sometimes I even get ideas from Ms. James's posts!