Friday, June 1, 2007

... um

So today during Drama classs, we were all sitting there waiting for the other group to start acting.
And this kid, started talking about hell. It was quite funny because he was all like I am gonna go to hell and join Satans army..
And i was like... Dude, you are crazy. Then he went on to tell me more about his weird beliefs.

It kinda took me of guard, I had never heard anymore talk like that before. So, for my next AMAZING blog, I think I am going to research about Heaven and Hell just to prove my point to him.

Because if you know me, I DONT like being wrong...


A_Band_Geek said...

Wow... kinda... odd... o.o;

Colten said...

That's really weird. It almost sounds like the kid is demon-possessed or something, the way you talked about him.

A_Band_Geek said...

Haha, I think I know who you're talking about... Ah well. He does sound demon-possessed.

Technolover said...

I'm curious about what you believe personally. Your "best blog" should be really interesting! And I know what you mean about being wrong. I love proving a point. ^-^

A_Band_Geek said...

I know you do, Techy! XD We love you though!
I know what I'm doing for my "best blog". Now I need to find a way to tie it in..

glamorousnpink said...

hey laura i know what your talking about i was there but to think about it you can express your opinion but you cant say that your right because then alot of people will be all conservesial or how ever you spell it. anyways my point is that we really cant talk about religion because everyone is different and not only one person it right i still luv you♥