Friday, May 18, 2007

Carter Says 'Ello.

Pigs are food and back in Shakespearean times, it would be really popular among rich people. Pork and ham meant fat, and fat meant beauty. I have a little toy pig named Carter. I think it's sad to kill animals. I agree with PETA, and you an go to their site here. Go ahead and browse there. I feel like killing animals is wrong, but the Montagueas and Capulets probably ate plenty of meat in an every day meal. Me, if I was back in that time, I would probably love to get a piece of meat every once in a while, but I wouldn't eat it half as much as them because I'm one of the poverish families in the city.

I have been thinking lately about the cultures of the time that Romeo and Juliet was based and what kind of stuff they did for liesure or work or just to live. If you were to compare Shakespearean and the 21st Century, you'd get a LOT of differences. Now, wikipedia isn't the best source, but i had about 5 minutes to do this. Think about it. Things we whine to our parents about:
Not getting to go hang out with friends
Not being able to check your myspace or facebook in over a day
or even Not getting everything you want.

Then, they whined about:
Hard tasks
and other people's fights.

What's the deal?
Check it out for yourselves. Maybe you, too, will be amazed.


Colten said...

I don't think we whine that much. Or at least I don't. And hunger and all that stuff wasn't all that they complained about. The rich people just talked about gossip and went horseback riding and such. They had servants who would do anything at their command. There are some things we have that they didn't, but they had some things better, too.

MyFallOutRomance said...

Well, you also have to take into account that not EVERYONE was rich. the Nurse obvously wasn't because she got hired as the nurse and actually breast fed, not only her own, but someone else's daughter in order to acquire money. You bet she was married, so he probably is a serving man. even they don't eat like the rich people. So majority of them were poor, majority of them were hungry, and usually when people are hungry, they complain, thus, the whining. And i was only listing obvious things anyways. But try and see it their way. They would be ashamed of our lives. Think about it.

Phasma said...

I agree with you on the animals point - to an extent. That is, I don't think it's the best idea to eat meat, but for a few other reasons: Animal agriculture is more taxing on the environment and feeds fewer people; excessive consumption of animal products contributes to health issues later on in life, and consumption of said foods is not entirely in keeping with the teachings of non-violence. But then, if someone enjoys meat and animal products, that's cool too... whatever makes you happy; that's the ticket. But I digress. I said that I only agreed with you to an extent. That's because I personally don't support the PETA organization. It seems to me that they are far too militant in trying to make a point... and that alienates people rather than teaches them. People will never accept an idea if they are not accepted and respected first. In other words, PETA shouldn't focus so much on saying that eating meat is wrong, but instead focus on educating people who are interested, and supporting/respecting those who aren't. This is only my own, opinion though.