Sunday, May 20, 2007

Doesn't it feel like the Summer

OMGSH! It feels like Summer already! I that we have three more weeks of school still! I am really mad that we are technically supposed to only have two weeks, but, no, we have to go make up that week of school that we missed because of a natural disaster.

I was so mad when I heard that the bill had been passed saying that we don't have to make up that week, but the Springfield schools are still going to. I know no one is going to want to be in school that last week, not even the teachers. It's crazy!

We are only getting like two and a half months of Summer break too. We are going back to school i think August 23 or 24, maybe even sooner than that. At least with going to school earlier we will be able to get out of school earlier. I think I would rather start school earlier and get out earlier for the Summer. For some reason the Summer feels longer when we get out earlier. Also by the time August comes around, I am kind of ready for school to start and to see all my friends that I didn't see a lot during the Summer.

p.s. I am really sorry that I have two posts back to back, but Friday I spent the time in class commenting and I started a blog but I had to leave and my computer was acting really weird and wouldn't let me save it as a draft. I tried to blog on Saturday but I don't know what happened, but I was trying to put pictures on my blog and I couldn't get them on there and my blog wouldn't make any since with out them. So I am to do a few more blogs than usual.


blondie said...

yea i know im really mad about that too. i hope school doesnt start on august 23rd nexy year cuz thats my bday and taht would reallyyy suck to have the first day of skool on my bday. lol

m1012 said...

Yeah that would be bad. I have a friend whos bday is on the 23rd too. Hopefully it won't be.

kdizzle16 said...

Since I've been in Sprinfield schools, they start the latest and get out the latest out of any school that I have ever been to (I've been to 8 different schools in 4 different states). And since I'm moving this summer, I'm going to get out late from Kickapoo and then have to go back early to Webb City; I think they start 2 weeks before Labor Day. But yeah, I can't wait till school's out!!!