Sunday, May 20, 2007

I"m a Lifeguard :))

On friday right after school i had to go to this bootcamp for lifeguarding and it wasnt fun!!!! We had to spend the night and got back Saturday night. But on friday we had to swim outside till like 10:00 at night and the water was sooooooooooooooooooooo cold. i mean hypothermia. lol. and then we had to do cpr and didnt go to bed till like 1:30. and it took me forever to sleep because there was girl who was snoring!! very loudly might i add. it was NOT good. then we had to get up at 6:00 and do more stuff on saving peoples lives. and swim for like 6 more hours in the freezing water. the only good thing out of this is that i met alot of kool people and i get to work at meadors which is where i wanted to lifeguard. YEYYY!!! so this summer come see me save some lives. lol.

PS: oh yea and i got the worst sunburn on my back and its like in a shape of a huge X on my back. but the rest of my body didnt get burned so now only my back is going to be tan. :(


A_Band_Geek said...

I'm sorry! I hope that your sunburn goes away! I'm going to get this HUGE one this summer because of marching band! Ugh, I so can wait!

omgzitsjenkins said...

aw, poor baby ):
I LOVE YOU, and i'm sure you'll be a good lifegaurd!

PS: if i drown, i want you to save me!

kdizzle16 said...

That's cool...I've always wanted to lifeguard at White Water. Is it hard to go through all the training and stuff?

blondie said...

jenkins: aww thanks. i will def save u if you drown!!!!! :)
kdizzle: its pretty hard but not to bad. and you cant really fail cuz they work with you till you get it right.

kaybee395 said...

my best friend went to that.

haha yeh she said that she could barely walk, because of all the work.

but then again, she only weighs 110 lbs soo i can see why, haha.

congrats to being a lifeguard:)!

omgzitsjenkins said...

so did you like My Friend Leonard, Blondie?

blondie said...

kaybee: haha..yea i know who ur talkin about. :)

omgzitsjenkins said...

fine..ignore me.

blondie said...

and i LOVED LOVED LOVED my friend leonard.

AIR JORDAN 23 said...

Well good job on the life guard deal i hope that you dont let anyone dround or anything. Just kidding im sure that you will do a good job but ya i got burnt really bad a couple weeks ago in Vegas and now im pretty tan so i hope it doesnt hurt to bad. Well good luck this summer.