Monday, May 21, 2007


"Public Display of Affection"
The definition is the public demonstration of affection for another person in the view of others, such as holding hands or kissing; Anything more could be considered indecent exposure. If the partners enjoy being seen affectionate towards each other in public, it may be considered a mild form of exhibitionism. Alternatively, the partners may be indifferent to what others can see, and therefore are not inhibited by it. Finally, the partners may prefer more privacy, but may simply tolerate being seen by others.


In Europe, it is normal to see people holding hands or kissing in public places and public events. Petting (or even heavy petting) is often seen as normal in parks, and certainly in nightclubs.
Many junior and senior high schools in the United States prohibit displays of affection, in an effort that many school administrators believe allows students to focus on learning. Such efforts may also be geared towards promoting prudence among students.
Indonesia has a proposed law outlawing kissing in public places.
The Supreme Court of India has described public displays of affection to be in bad taste and have defined such behavior as unacceptable. The public display of affection may even be considered an act of public nuisance, subjecting individuals to conviction and fine. Despite legal and societal views, the Indian film industry does utilize marketing imagery of individuals display mutual affection as a means of promoting many films.
Retrieved from ""

I personally don't feel the need to use PDA with my significant other, because I think that your relationship should be between you and that person; not you, that person, and the rest of the world. I think that the more you "display" in public, the more people tend to judge your relationship, even though they don't have a right to. Being affectionate is nice, but if you have a different "flavor" every week, what is that really saying about the relationship? I don't mean to judge, but making out in the hallways (and whatever else) isn't really necessary. Just my opinion...


Technolover said...

Wow, this is an interesting topic, but I really have no opinion. I'm actually commenting to say I love the picture. Isn't that when the soldiers came home from WWII? And the one sailor was so happy he just grabbed a nurse and smooched? ^-^ Haha, that makes me laugh.

Anonymous said...

Well i disagree.
i think that holding hands, kissing, and maybe a little bit of makeing-out is alright to show the world.
It's like showing the world how much you love the other person.
Kinda like getting married, showing the world you love this person very much and commit to being with them forever.
I also like to think of it like how jesus died on the cross.
He did it in front of the world to show everyone how much he means to us.

And the picture is totally cute. =]

blondie said...

ok..well this is a very random topic. lol. but i will say i dont really agree with like making out in hallways. but i dont see anything wrong with a little bit of PDA. theres nothing really wrong with it that in my opinion.

m1012 said...

I really like the picture as well. It is very heart warming. :) I agree that there isn't really any need for people to make-out and stuff in the hallways, but i think it is fine for them to hold hands and kiss. I don't think there is any thing wrong with showing your affection for someone else, but I don't like turning the corner and being meeted with two people making-out.

kaybee395 said...

This is really good topic to blog about. I gotta give yous ome prors:) haha.

WELL, I think that PDA is acceptable to a certain extent. Holding hands, small kisses and hugs are okay I think. But getting to the point where you're like up against the wall on the verge of "doing it" that's WAY more than anyone wants to see. The saying "get a room!" comes to mind when I picture that, haha.

I know that my "significant other" would disagree with this though, because he says "well it's their choice to look, I don't care what they think" .. chhh BOYS. haha, SO we disagree on that topic, but we've learned how to deal with it:) haha.

Thanks for the post!

omgzitsjenkins said...

this is a good topic (:

i'm kinda "sitting the fence" with this topic. i mean, i think it's okay to hold hands and hug and stuff in hallways at school, but it's different when people just stand there and hardcore MAKE OUT. that's just sick, and no one wants to see that. seriously.

but it's different if you're outside, in public. i don't think it really matters as much out there, just because there's more people, and they're probably not really paying as much attention to the people as they would in school, or some smaller place, like school.
(i hope this is all making sence, lol)
but at the same time, i don't wanna see people having sex out on the corner of the streets. somethings are just private, and shouldn't be on display for the whole world to see.

good post (:

Laura Stevens said...

I love love love love that picture
It reminds me of Audrey heptburn