Monday, May 21, 2007

Sometimes, It hurts

I feel like my heart has been crushed. There's this guy I like, and yes, I know I shouldn't stress over something so little, but seriously, I really liked this guy and i was just his bad comeback to a burn.

Ever been through this?

I have been reading Chicken Soup For The Teenage Souls and it makes me cry, but now, i really can relate and it bites.


How was your weekend?

Here's a song I wrote to my dad about when I moved. And that's another thing i read about in Chicken Soup. People moving away from family and friends, and sometimes family and friends dying. This is for my dad because I left him and I only see him every summer.
And this is rare that I share my songs. I'm too shy for this.

Temporary Goodbye

just wonderful
I'm still hurt
couging up
every dime and quarter you spent
living up
every second of every hour you spent

away from me
don't want to help me out
I'm drowning
in the tears I've cried
from leaving you
leaving you

a thousand miles away
maybe two or three
I just don't want you to forget
to remember me
I can't remember what it's like
to be near you

away from me
don't want to help me out
I'm drowning
in the tears I've cried
from leaving you
leaving you

a thousand miles away
or two
times get rough
i think of you
taken away
to a home where no one cares
a million miles away
don't forget

a thousand miles
is a million tears
there's no such thing as love
when you're not here
you're away from me
don't want to help me out
i'm drowning
in the tears i've cried
from leaving you
leaving you

leaving you


and you can post mean things. I like it. It helps me make art better.

Mucho amor!

MyFallOut Romance


Beefy Manwich said...

its okay to feel sad. There are more fishies in the sea, and you will find a dolfin if you look hard enough. Just keep believing in yourself and don't listen to Laura, because she doesn't know the true meaning of love.

keep fightin for your rights, sister!

Colten said...

I'm looking for a swordfish myself. Possibly a snapper. But definitely not a dogfish.

Colten said...

I'm looking for a swordfish myself. Possibly a snapper. But definitely not a dogfish.

Micaela said...

I'm looking for a sea cucumber...just letting you guys know.

Micaela said...

...or a clown fish...or a guppie

Technolover said...

Haha. I love all the fish analogies! Has anybody ever heard of Philmore? they're a band and they have a song called Fishy and its all about getting the right girl. I thinks its awesome cuz the guy singing it basically places it in God's hands in the end and let it go, trusting God to pick out the perfect "fishy" for him. ^-^ It's really funny though, and MyFallOutRomance...Hm. Your name really says it all! Haha, I'm kidding. But you need to look at the big picture. This guy is only a speck in the universe and theres a better one out there for you. Rock out and sorry for the long comment. XD

MyFallOutRomance said...

thank you, beefy.

i like dolfins. they are awesome.

actually, me and my mom have dolphin merch everywhere in my house. That doesn't mean a lot, but we have it all aroung our house.

good analagy.

I just don't see why some guys use people to get back at other girls.

Mrs. Valo♥ said...

i prefer a star fish myself.

Beefy Manwich said...

hey guys, this isn't a joke. These are real feelings so don't make fun of it. Quit being jerk faces.

MyFallOutRomance said...

but i like long comments.
it makes me feel like someone cares enough to tell me a lot.


MyFallOutRomance said...

I like starfishies. my dad has one at his house that he found in the parkinglot of a beach. it was sad because the little suction things were trying to bring it back to water, but it was going the wrong way. by the time we got it back to the water, it didn't move and the suction things were no longer out. it was sad.

Laura Stevens said...

personally. I HATE SEAFOOD!

but good job

Mrs. Valo♥ said...

well i have found my blue whale.

MyFallOutRomance said...


i like how this went from guys to fishes. how DID that work?

A_Band_Geek said...

Ok, that guy is strange. It's alright. I know a bunch of strange kids, and I love fish too...

That's a really good song, by the way! I like it a lot. I hope you get to see him soon!

Beefy Manwich said...

IT transfered from men to fish because i am awesome at giving advice and used a sweet analogy.

Micaela said...

Way to be modest Beefy

Colten said...

I want to hear that song Tech talked about. It sounds cool. Anyway, we need to make it a goal to get the most comments on this one. Let's go for 30 comments guys!!!!

And myfalloutromance, laughter is the best medicine.

Beefy Manwich said...

here's 19

Beefy Manwich said...


Technolover said...

This is so absurd!!!!!! But I like Cotton de Fur's idea!!!! So I'm commenting!!!!! tada!

Colten said...

Wow this Monday has stunk until this class. The best laugh I've had all day. Thanks everyone

MyFallOutRomance said...

YAY! you guys rock. i love yas!

so how are you guys? now exiting my pity party...

Colten said...

Only like 6 more to go. Come on everyone.

Does anybody like clownfish? Or what about barracudas?

Beefy Manwich said...

okay, ill say a little something. kickinfin is an idiot......23

Mrs. Valo♥ said...

lol. maaaaaaaaaaaaaa.
hahahahhahahahhaha. here is 24 comments.


Beefy Manwich said...

and micaela said the "R" word in one of her posts and is the reason we got this talk way to go micaela.........27

Mrs. Valo♥ said...

yeeah. micaela said she liked clown fish.

Beefy Manwich said...

only three more.........oh wait, now 2 more..........28

Colten said...

I don't think we're going to reach 30, but if we do, it'll be a record for sure.

What about narwhals? They have beauuuuuutiful tusks. Kind of like unicorns.

MyFallOutRomance said...



Mrs. Valo♥ said...


Technolover said...


Beefy Manwich said...

ha, i got the last post....30

Technolover said...

I LIKE NARWHALS!!!!!!!!!!!

Mrs. Valo♥ said...

aww. lucky blow fish.

MyFallOutRomance said...


wait a sec. next blog day, i'll make a countdown one!

Technolover said...

Did someone say 100 comments?

A_Band_Geek said...

Nice you guys...

Technolover said...

This is way more fun than it should be...

Beefy Manwich said...

for the sake of this being academic..........i love books!......there that's good enough........40!

Colten said...

Baby Beluga in the deep blue sea.
Baby Beluuuuuuuuuuga
Baby Beluuuuuuuuuuga!!!
I remember listening to that song in Kindergarten.

Technolover said...

What are we going for here?

A_Band_Geek said...

No kidding! XD

MyFallOutRomance said...

i'm signing out, my fishies, but next time, i'm going to make one and we WILL get to 100!

Beefy Manwich said...

who liked spiderman? I thought it was freakin amazing.........44

Colten said...

Shakespeare is cool. There...academic enough.

A_Band_Geek said...

100 comments, techy.

Beefy Manwich said...

i got 50, HA

Technolover said...


Beefy Manwich said...


A_Band_Geek said...

Yay!!! I love books (english-related)

Beefy Manwich said...

i love books

Beefy Manwich said...

books are cool

Beefy Manwich said...

my favorite book is the westing game

Beefy Manwich said...

it is a sweet mystery book

Beefy Manwich said...

it rocks

A_Band_Geek said...

Geez, we're already half-way there.

Beefy Manwich said...

out loud

Beefy Manwich said...


A_Band_Geek said...

I love books too! They're awesome.

Beefy Manwich said...

AAAAAA I got it. BAM