Thursday, April 19, 2007


Eight years ago from today the Columbine shooting happened.Two kids in highschool opened fire and killed 12 student plus one teacher.Here is a link to find out more about what happened

I think this was tragic and on April 16 or Monday the Virgina Tech shootings happend.The Virginia Tech shooting was even more deadly since 32 people plus the shooter were killed.I don't understand why these people went in school and killed so many people but it is terrible what they did.And on the news they said that a girl ,i don't know her name,was a freshman at the time of the columbine shooting and witnessed the people being killed and then eight years later she was a student at Virginia Tech when the shooting happened.I think that is a weird coincidence or she is just really unlucky and whatever school she goes to shootings occur.

1 comment:

Beefy Manwich said...

it is a really freaky coincidence that columbine's anniversery and the VT shootings are in the same week.

This must just be a bad month.