Thursday, April 19, 2007

Crazy Little Thing Called Love

The whole idea of an arranged marriage makes me really mad because no one can help who it is they love - they're not supposed to. I think that it is insensitive of the parents also, because they are not thinking of their child's feelings, but then again they must think about what is best for
their family.

In Romeo and Juliet, Paris wants to marry Juliet, who is not even 14 yet, and he is of a noble family. In Shakespeare in Love, she was referred to as a "donkey with rubies in her saddle bags", which is completely degrading. Not to mention the fact that he is at least 15 years older than she is, I just couldn't even imagine being married and having kids at my age. But thankfully, her father is thinking of her and wants to wait for her to get married until she's 15.

I looked up arranged marriages, and it seems that there are varying degrees of the "arranged" part. The most intense degree is a "forced marriage", where the parents choose the spouse with no input from their child. The next is the "traditional arranged marriage", where the parents choose the spouse with some input, and if the child does not like their choice, then the parents usually respect the child's wishes and choose another suitor. A "modern arranged marriage" is where the parents choose several possible candidates and allow the two to go on a short unsupervised date, and then the child makes their decision. A "modern arranged marriage with courtship" is the same as the above, except the kids have a considerably longer amount of time to get to know each other. And finally, an "introduction only" arranged marriage is where the parents introduce each other's kids, and then the kids are in charge of the relationship from then on.

My personal favorite is the traditional wedding, where people get to choose their own spouse from whoever they want. I think marriage is such a special bond that God created between a man and a woman, and shouldn't be forced. Every girl dreams of her wedding day from the time when she was first able to understand what a wedding was, and I think that this vision that is created within us girls' heads can only be complete with someone who we truly love and are in love with.

1 comment:

m1012 said...

I completely agree! I would hate to have an arranged marriage. I want to be able to live with someone who I know I will love for the rest of my life. My parents have always told me that they will not let just any man come and take me away from them, they say that they will tell what they think of each guy I am interested in and that they will be 100% honest. I am so glad I have parents like that! I would not enjoy life if I knew that my parents were going to pick my husband for me. I have seen movies where there are arranged marriages and the woman in the movie always seems so upset. There is always someone else who the girl is in love with and rarely does the girl get her way. Also, in a lot of these movies, the girl falls in love with another guy and then when she gets to the age she is to be married at, her parents tell her then and she can't do anything about it. I just hate that because the girl would go through her whole life falling for this one guy and then it turns out that she can't even spend the rest of her life with the man she loves! Also, back then a lot of the men seemed like pigs! They would go after the girl whos father had the most money, who was the most beautiful, and had the best figure (if you know what I mean). That just makes me mad! I am so glad that I don't have to deal with any of that and that I will be able to spend the rest of my life with the man I love, not some guy who just picks me out of a crowd.