Wednesday, April 18, 2007


What murder? Well the mass murder that made a nation wide record or what I heard so far was the one I heard on the news and saw on the internet. And since we’re talking about Shakespeare in the class, I thought that we could talk about something else, and that is all about the murder case in Virginia Tech.

The topic that I’m discussing though is one of how he must’ve felt and what might’ve provoked him to do such things. What I think that might’ve have caused the incident to happen was al the cruel people who had teased him and might’ve hurt his feelings during the process. And the things that I learned to day (from my mom again) took a lot of thinking of how that person might have been going through. My mom told me to never hurt anybody’s feelings even when it is the slightest comment because it can set that person on the edge of destruction. The person could have been bullied badly already and then you have come to tease him/her in the slightest bit of action could have set that person off.

Then there’s to always be careful because if you make the slightest wrong bad comment you could be on that person’s hit list (somebody who wants payback for doing a wrong deed). And people at school really do have a hit list because I know some people who are really sensitive and just want to fit in. and it’s really sad that people make fun of you or anybody if you make the slightest wrong movement to them. So don’t hurt other people’s feelings even if it is your friend because a word can go a long way. And this just to shows that it’s a really cruel world out there so treat others as you would want to be treated.


kdizzle16 said...

I get what you're saying, and it's sad that people can't just be nice to everybody all the time. But it's an unfortunate fact of life that people are going to be made fun of, but that doesn't necessarily mean that they have to go off the deep end. This may sound insensitive and we've all had days where something someone has said or something that happened to us was just the icing on the cake or the "straw that broke the camel's back". Even though this stuff happens, that doesn't give people the right to go and take out their anger and frustration on someone else, and it certainly doesn't give someone the right to go and kill 32 people. I think the press made a mistake by revealing this guy's name, because he wanted recognition, and that's what he got. So technically we're rewarding him for the horrible crime he committed.

Ashley said...

I don’t think that the guy who killed 32 people did it just for recognition. I think that he did it because he was hurt so many times and wanted revenge for what they had done. And we are not rewarding him for killing those many people but the United States are trying to figure out what had caused him to do so. And yes I do agree that the press shouldn’t have released his name and yes he shouldn’t have the right to kill those many people but it happened anyway because people were treating him badly! And from what I heard he wrote an eight page story exactly what he was going to do and I also heard that he was a transfer student that came to America back in 1992. And yes I do admit that there are some cruel people out there and that there is little chance to stop it but you could try to help by not getting involved in it yourselves.

Katiedogg said...

You are so wise. Like you talked about in class, our purpose is to be kind to others...and if we can't, then we'll get out of the way!

student1127 said...
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student1127 said...

do you know if all the people he shot(injured and killed) had made fun of him...or did he juust start shooting random people in the class rooms out of rage...

even if he got made fun of so badly it wasnt right for him to play god and choose you lives and who dies...

Ashley said...

Okay he shot random people, but he was hurt so badly that he didn't really care. And I don't think he was being god because if he was then why did he shoot himself? And I think that he shot someone else who was on his hit list before he started to shoot random people in a classroom. And thank you katiedog for commenting me.

student1127 said...

thats just my point innocent people, students and teachers. just the fact that he got to choose who lived in those classrooms and who died was wrong, we shouldn't feel sorry for someone like that. and the whole god thing i didnt mean him killing himself was what god would do that was just cowardly.

Ashley said...

Okay, to make things really simple, I only meant that you should respect his death either way because that is what people sometimes do. And it wasn't his falt he had so many problems, it was the people who tortured him in the first place to begin with.

student1127 said...

OH MY GOD HE WAS A PSYCHO YEAH IT SUCKS HE DIED, BUT THE PEOPLE HE KILLED DIDNT DESERVE TO DIE... NO ONE THAT DIED THAT DAY DESERVED IT... and i leave it at that... im done argueing with you over this... you know m opinion and i know yours... good bye...

Ashley said...

Okay, yea he was a psycho but that doesn't give u any reason why you should be blaming him. It wasn't his fault that he became psychotic in the first place. So there.