Thursday, April 19, 2007

virginia tech killer... this is a link to the massacre at Virginia tech. the picture above is the killer. i think what happened to the people there is horrible. i also think that there is something very wrong with Cho Seung-Hui... very, very, wrong. i feel bad for all the people he killed and their families.... this link tells what happened and shows his videos and pictures he sent to CNN... this was a tragedy...


Ashley said...

I personally think that you shouldn’t have put up the killer’s picture because you’re just putting up the word of who the killer is and how he looked like and I think that that is a shame even if he is a killer. And I do truly feel sorry for the victim and their families but you shouldn’t have putted up his picture because it just shows that you are inconsiderate about how other people might feel even if he is currently not alive (not trying to be mean or anything). But still you should respect his death in anyway possible.

student1127 said...

why should i respect a person that found it nessesary to kill all those people? the amount of respect i have for a person like that is NONE. and, im not inconsiderate of the way other people feel that picture has been all over tv and on the internet. i posted this because i feel that we should know who decided to kill the innocent. i also put a link on my blog for the people who wanted to know more, thats why i didnt go into detail or anything else like that. sorry that you feel the way you do, but were all allowed to have our own opinions, and if i want to blog about a pychotic killer then im pretty sure i should be allowed to do so... (im not trying to be mean either)...

Ashley said...

You should respect any kind of person even if it is the killer or not. How would you feel IF you shot a lot of people and then killed yourself and people started to call you crazy or psychotic? Then what would you say? And even if it is all over the news you shouldn't show that much exposure to the killer in any way whatsoever.

student1127 said...

if i decided to go and kill 32 people then i would have to be messed up in the head... and i would still say any killer that went on a killing spree at a college must have something very wrong with him... and about the picture he's the one that wanted the exposure taking pictures of himself with the guns he killed with, and making videos, then sending them to news stations... i didn't do anything wrong by putting that up there...

Ashley said...

Actually you did, first of all you disrespected his death by exposing it more and second of all it wouldn't be very nice IF your bestfriend went on a killing spree in a school and then killed themselves. Then people wouldn't probably care about him/her and started putting on how crazy and psycho your friend is on the internet......all I have to say is to put yourselve in the same spot as him.

student1127 said...

maybe you should do a little bit more research before you go and tell people that their opinion on a subject is wrong... and if you would have looked for more news about him, you would of learned that in his past he was put in some mental institution. I also think you saying that, what if it was my best friend is really kind of dumb (not to be mean), but its not like he was your best friend, so how would you know? i did NOT disrespect his death by putting his picture that HE (HE!) sent to be shown to the world, if he didnt want people to talk to about him and look at his pictures, he wouldnt have done it in the first place. why do you keep trying to tell me how would i feel if i was the killer, how would i feel if it was my best friend? well it wasnt so i dont have sympathy for a miserable killer that decided "hey i think im going to go to school and kill 32 people today, because some people have been mean to me before, so my classmates need to pay for what other people did..." yeah that sure makes a whole lot of sense. i guess were never going to agree and im fine with that, im not going to change my opinion for you, and honestly i dont mind if you dont either... i just wish you would read your facts before stating your opinion on some subjects...