Monday, April 16, 2007

My theory to Romeo and Juliet

Well, there is a person. And his name is Romeo. He is in love with a girl named Juliet. They commit suicide together because they can't be together.

True Story:

Romeo was in love with Juliet, and Juliet with Romeo. But Romeo chated on Juliet wth Rosaline. Juliet caught him and drank sleep potion because she was hurt and sleep was her escape. Romeo came to find her and thought she was dead. Romeo committed suicide because of the pain he thought he caused her. Juliet woke up and killed herself.

That's my theory of what REALLY happened. There is jsut way too much mystery left in Shakespeare's plays.

So what's YOUR theories?


omgzitsjenkins said...

Hahaha, i like your theory best (:

theBEST_bj said...

What I think happened is pretty close to what you think. It's actually basically just what happened! Romeo cheated on Juliet with Rosalina, yes. She drank that potion that "killed" her and she would awake when her true love was by her side. Romeo got the news of this, but only that she had killed herself. Not that she would awake when he was next to her. So he got some poisenous potion, drank it, and killed himself right next to her. She woke up, and then stabbed herself because her true love was dead. It's such a depressing story!

Technolover said...

Dude, it's not that confusing! thebest_bj explained the true story pretty good. There's no mystery left in my opinion.