Thursday, May 3, 2007

Bad Day

So today was one of the worst days of my life. Last night i found out that my cousin had passed away. I dont know why but it seems this year there has been alot of deaths in my family but this one would have to be the worst. One because i was very close to him and two because he died the worst way a person can die and that is he took his own life. None of us know why he would do such a thing. Last night i was just in shock. i didnt really know what to do or think but today it all hit me when i had to go to the funeral home with my whole family to help them this morning. He was always there for me and he was always the jokester of the family. He could make anyone laugh and out of all of my family i would have never thought of him to do that. He baby sat me alot when i was little and i only saw him a couple of days ago. i saw him on Friday April 27th. He seemed totally normal. He asked how i was and said he was doing good. He didnt leave a note or anything. My cousin hung himself in his shed yesterday and i still cant get over that.


kdizzle16 said...

I am so sorry for your loss...I haven't ever personally known someone who has taken their own life, but I know a lot of people who know people that have, not the same thing I know, but...there have been a lot of deaths recently in my family too, but mostly because they were elderly. Again, I'm sorry that that happened, and if you need to talk, just holla.

blondie said...

lol..thanks. i think its getting better. its just so wierd to think i saw him only a couple of days ago and he seemed totally fine.

theBEST_bj said...

I'm sorry for your loss too:/. I've delt with suicide so much lately and thinking about why people do it confuses me the more and more I think about it. It hurts more than anything to watch someone you love killl themselves or try to kill themselves. I'm so sorry.