Friday, May 4, 2007


here is my poem


The whistle blows as you step up on the blocks.
Your heart is pounding like a drum at an Indian pow wow.
You look at the water and imagine yourself sliding through it like butter.
The second whistle blows, and you bend down and get ready to pounce.

You hear a beep and hurl yourself into the air
Flying through the air like an eagle soaring above the clouds,
You take one last breath before you plunge
Into the cold, icy water that rushes all around you.

Arms tight against your ears, you kick with all your might.
Finally reaching the surface, your arms start
To spin and pull faster than the propellers of an airplane.
The only place you look is forward, getting closer to the wall.

The roars above the water are deafening, but all you can hear
Is the peaceful sound of water as you glide through it.
The end is near, and it is all heart and determination from this point on
Your body aches, and you want to quit, but you push forward, knowing the prize is within reach

You take one final stroke and kick your heart out.
Your hand thrusts into the wall and a sigh of relief overcomes your body.
Cheers erupt from the stands, but you can’t tell if they’re for you
Looking up to the scoreboard, you let out a scream of joy
You have won the race


kdizzle16 said...

Your poem is awesome...but why would you slide through water like butter? I like it cuz I can relate to it because I used to swim.

Colten said...

I liked it. It's better than the first time I read it. I'm in track so I now a lot about racing, too. About the sliding through butter part, it was better than the original line about sizing your opponents up. It kind of distracted from the race, looking at the competion.

Katiedogg said...

I love to swim, and I used to be in competitions. It DOES feel like butter when you slide your (arms) legs through the water. That simile works for me! Neat poem!