Thursday, May 3, 2007

I always like the sarcastic one...

Okay, so my favorite character is definitely Mercutio. I'd love to be his friend because he's always so blunt and there would never be a dull moment with him around. He gets a little perverted but he's still funny and fearless. But if he was my friend, I think I'd need Benvolio to balance out Mercutio's insanity. Benvolio's always calm and polite and seems like the only one holding his friends together. With Romeo's emotions and Mercutio's recklessness, anyone else would have gone to the loony bin long ago. I admire Benvolio for that.
On a side note, I'm ticked off. I just read the first scene of Act III. And Mercutio--sarcastic, lovable Mercutio--dies!!! Oh my gosh! What the bloody heck! He's the witty comic relief! He's not supposed to die!!! Hmph. I don't like this play anymore...


Colten said...

He started out pretty funny, but as we got further along he just seemed immature. It didn't help that the movie portrayed him as a druggie and a cross-dresser. It was pretty shocking how he died, Romeo tries to hold him off, and Tybalt comes in, stabs him and runs off. Tybalt is a coward. I liked him in the movie because he was your typical try-to-be-serious bad guy.

A_Band_Geek said...

It made me sad... =*[

Mercutio's my favorite character and I can relate to him. He's got the personality of most of my friends. So having him die made me feel like losing a friend. It made me sad...
