Friday, May 4, 2007

I got proved WRONG.

I definetly didn't think I liked the Uglies that much. But I ended up not being able to put it down, and then I finished the Pretties the next day, (in one day!). Now I'm going to read the Specials and I'm pretty sure I'll like it. It's not in the library right now so I just went back to my Gossip Girls books and I'm reading 'Because I'm worth it' Also, I think I am going to read Beauty Queen. KAYBEE said it was a good book:) I've been reading SO much lately, I'm glad though. I like to read:). You know what else I like? WEEKENDS!

Weekends are nice especially weekends when my boyfriend comes home for good:)!!

Also, I stilll haven't turned my poem in:( I miss a bunch of days so I'm really really behind. Another student in this class is behind too so he & I are conferencing together. He took my poem home yesterday and now he isn't here today! That could be bad, hopefully my grade will go up though:). That is all for today. GOODBYE!


Colten said...

So what are these books about? Different girl cliques? Are the Uglies and the Pretties actual groups of people, and do they interact in the books?

A_Band_Geek said...

That's not good! I'm sorry he took your poem home. I haven't read the Uglies, the Pretties, and all that.

Laura Stevens said...

i want to read that series sooo bad!

theBEST_bj said...

Gossip Girls are basically about a bunch of really realy rich girls living in NYC. Their life is a big party. It sounds weird, but they are interesting. And it's a trilogy. Uglies, Pretties, and Specials. They are groups of people, but the kind of evolve up. From ugly, to pretty, to special. It's boring at first but in the end they are good good book!

theBEST_bj said...

I know:/ I'll just turn it in late. & read them! They're good books! After Pretties is the Specials!

Colten said...

So they go from being the uglies to the pretties throughout the series? Its the same group of people, they just move up the scale?

A_Band_Geek said...

Lucky them...

theBEST_bj said...

Yeah pretty much. But their is a lot of sturggle and stuff. It's kind of futuristic but still good. I mean all the Uglies get to turn Pretty when they are 16. That's basically the highlight of their life and what the look forward too. But SOME of them don't want to be pretty, some run away to the real world and blah blah blah. I don't know you just really should read it because it's a good book. Don't give up in the beginning of the Uglies, it starts out slow. But you'll end up lovin 'em.

Colten said...

We'll I'm a guy, so I don't think I'll read it or understand it. But oh well. The title was interesting, I wondered what it was all about.