Thursday, April 26, 2007


Be the change you wish to see in the world.

Wow. What an amazing quote! We all are such hipocrits. We put others down and critisize, when really, we do the exact same thing that they are doing.
We all say that we "want to see a change in the world" for example, pollution. We all complain about it, but does anyone actually do anything? No, I haven't really noticed.
I think we should all take a field trip outside... and pick up trash! :D
Haha, I know most of you would hate that, but I really think it would be a good idea.

Anybody agree with me?

My book.
Oh my book.
It is still insane! Justin is extremely depressed. (literally, he won't even move from the couch) All because he lost his invisible dog... I mean COME ON!!
An invisible dog is lost in an airplane explosion. This is just too weird.
But I am sticking with it! No matter what! I think it is overdue though...I'll have to check that one out.

In class we have been writing a lot of poetry. I LOVE poetry, it's just that I feel dumb reciting it... ya know?
I love writing it and expressing feelings, just not having to share it with the class.
The picture I choose was two highschoolers holding hands. I pictured school just getting out, and that they think they are in love. But, we all know love isn't real. :D
What was yours about?

Well, I am leaving for competition tomorrow, so I have to go pack.

Wish me luck :D:D:D

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