Friday, April 27, 2007

Reality check

So today i was reading my Chicken soup book and i was super happy because i just got to the relationships section of the book. The first story i read was called Reality check by: Arielle jacobs. It was really cute and i would love to posted the whole story on here but that would take a while to type and i am lazy. So i'll just sum it up for you. It's about this chick who like this awesome guy but her friends have no idea what she sees in him. So it was valentines day and the guy asked her questions about roses because he said he wanted to make a specail girl feel extra good about her self today. The girl thought, "omg maybe it's me" right away. She ran over to friends' dorm and told them about the conversation. They said dont get your hopes up. Later when she went back to her room, there were 6 red roses sitting there waiting for her. and a note that said, "Roses are red, violets are blue, he dosen't love you but we sure do!" and her friends were standing there i n the door way. I think this story is totally cute and shows how much awesomer friendship is. Although, if it happened to i would probly be p'oed. =]

1 comment:

Colten said...

Friendship is good. After can have as many friends as you want, but only one girlfriend.