Thursday, April 26, 2007

I'm a Nomad

hey peoples!!!
well, i just thought i would share my problems with you guys. As of right now i'm pretty much a nomad. If you dont know what a nomad is someone that moves from place to place. My parents are currently in Puerto Rico on vacation so i'm staying with different people every night, my friends. It's kinda fun so far but i know that its going to get old. On top of that the fact that my parents went on vacation WITHOUT me, i'm hungry. Oh and did i mention that someone stole 20 dollars from me yesterday? well yea they did, in PE. So that will be a total of 80 dollars that someone has stolen. well, i have to go but comment me and cheer me up. :)

1 comment:

kdizzle16 said...

Hello, if it makes you feel any better I'm WAY stressed out too. I've never had the pleasure of staying with friends while my parents were away...even if I didn't want to go with them on vacation, I'd still have to go b/c my dad and stepmom are paranoid I'm gonna get kidnapped or something. Have fun this

P.S. I think you shoulda used that picture you first found of the nomad. :)