Friday, April 27, 2007

Do You Believe?

Hey ya'll! I'm back to talk! So how have you all been enjoying Shakespeare so far? Did the modern movie help you out? It helped me, to be honest. But that's not really why I'm blogging; I'm blogging about Love at First Sight.

So do you all believe in it? I don't. I mean, you can't tell why that guy (or girl) is the right person for you or their personality the moment you glance at them. It just doesn't make sense to say "I'm in love" when you don't know the person's name- like Romeo and Juliet both. They decided that they were in love with one another by looks, which is a crush. What weirds me out is that they kissed when they didn't know one another's names! I mean, do you have no shame! Haha. I kid. It's weird but at least she's not a prostitute or anything. She's too high-class for that... Anyway, back on subject!

So what are your guys' opinions on it? That was mine, so please share yours!

1 comment:

Katie said...

Shakespear is confuzing but the modern movie really helps me to understand what they mean.I dont get how someone can say I'm in love when they don't even know the persons name.They have to be really shallow and only like the person for their looks.I thinks its stupid to love someone at first sight because you never know they could be hott but be a total jerk.So no i don't believe in love at first sight mainly because I don't undertsnad how someone could really love some one just by looking at them.