Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Romeo is a wuss

Romeo is a wuss

I think Romeo needs to stop being a wimp. He needs to storm the Capulet mansion, take Juliet, and ride off on his horse to some place far away, where they will live happily ever after to the very end of their days. He seems very emotional, and I haven't seen him get in a fight yet. I think that I'd like Romeo a lot better if he stood up and actually fought for those he loves. Saying romantic poetry is nice, but I'd like to see more of his character. Does Romeo have a tough side?


The_Prodigy said...

i totally agree...In the modern version he should run up in there with his 9 and just start blasting fools.When there is a girl like Juliet who he has to get there is nothing that should stop him. At least it wouldnt stop me. He should just start busting caps. you know.

kdizzle16 said...

I guess I agree, but he's totally hott and totally romantic!!! he needs to be more of a man, though.

MyFallOutRomance said...

wow. either your a chick, or your a romantic type of guy because that's amazing.

A_Band_Geek said...

No kidding! Things would be PERFECT for him if he did that! I wish I knew a guy who was like that- not afraid to fight a battle for the girl of their dreams. Haha, if I could get a guy like that to fall in love with me... Hahahaha, that'd be hilarious!!!

MyFallOutRomance, it is amazing! Haha, you're right... Although I think that should happen for Romeo. He needs a dose of self-esteem, not poison!