Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Convicted for 30 years and Then........

I went to the site of on Ms. James blog about today. It was really interesting. I read about the case of June Siler and Robert Wilson.

June Siler was waiting for a bus on February 28, 1997. As she got on the bus this short black man got on with her and asked her how long she had been waiting for a bus, and before she got a chance to answer, the man cut her throat and face many times with a box cutter. This gave me the chills. To think that a woman got cut up so randomly and horribly and to think that she sentenced the wrong man to 30 years in prison.

Later, while I was reading, the court decided that Robert Wilson was giving no chance to prove that he was innocent by providing evidence. Judge Ruben Castillo granted Wilson a writ of habeas corpus and said that he was to be retried within 90 days or released.

Robert Wilson was not allowed to provide evidence that Jerryco Wagner was the same height dressed in black, was 21 years old instead of 41 years old. Wilson said that Wagner had confessed to making similar attacks like what happened to June Siler during the following couple of weeks. One was against Manuel Guzman and four others against women.

June Siler said that she had been second guessing herself about Wilson's age and that he didn't wear nor had possession of Velcro shoes and that her assaulter was wearing Velcro shoes.

So at the end of the further exploration, Wilson was released, and Jerryco Wagner had already been put into a mental institution, because he had said that the police God had told him to hurt all these people.

I thought this was a great example on how many people who are sentenced to prison or the death row and that there could actually be a chance that it was not them at all and that there was false convictions.

1 comment:

theBEST_bj said...

Wow! That's crazy:/. It gives me the chills too. That some random man slit her throat and face! Eick:/. But.. did she die? I was confused on that.