Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Emmet Till......

I have heard a lot lately about the Emmet Till case in the last few years. I know that in May 2004 the Justice Department reopened the case. Even though we cant bring him back I think it gives a lot to our community. I think his case still affects us a lot today. Its kind of scary that someone could be killed for jjust saying hey to a girl. Its also scary that the killers were found not guilty and that they even confessed after. It shows a lot of the justice system back then.

Since the reopening of the case the exhumed the body and performed an autopsy on the body that found a bullet in him. Also they found the court transcripts that were thought to be missing.I think his case has also done alot for the court today. In 2005 the "Till Bill" was passed which made a unit in the justice System to investigate old Civil Rights Cases. We are still waiting the closure of the case by the governme. Which the information will be sent back down to Mississippi for the closing prosecutions and indictments.

I find it very interesting that a case can be brought up and go back into court. I think it will bring a lot of the truth to Emmet Till's family.