Friday, March 23, 2007


Well that was definatly a dramatic ending. I loved how Boo finally came out after the long awaiting. That just shows that some things need time. Man, i dont like Bob Ewell. He is just holding a grudge and cant get over it and is harming others to make him feel better. I dont mean this bad or anything but i believe that Bob kinda got what he deserved. I like that Boo saved them, but Atticus kinda took it overboard when he thought Jem killed Bob. I dont know if Bob feel on the knife or if Boo killed him, but if Boo killed him them i think he was just pretecting them kids and im glad he didnt get in trouble. Well Harper Lee is a she stud and this was a good book. I just saw this site and it has some cool pictures from plays and then some pictures of Harper Lee.

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