Friday, March 23, 2007

In his/her shoes.......

A couple of the themes on the freshmanscholars site tie in together. The theme: most people are likable once you get to know them and the best way to understand a person is to "stand in his or her shoes," I think these saying just about the same thing and are very true.

Both of them refer to getting to know someone and understand why they are the way that they are. The theme "most paople are likable once youget to know them" is very true. I know that I have made consumptions of people before and thought one thing or the other. Some times I thought they were mean or rude or I wanted to become their friend because I thought they would be fun to hang out with. When I got to know them I sometimes thought the same, but a lot of times I have figured out that they actually are really nice and fun to hang out with or they aren't that fun to spend time with.

Just this year I have gotten to know someone a little bit more, who in past years I really didn't like. I judged the person before I even got a chance to know them.

The other theme "the best way to understand a person is to "stand in his or her shoes," I know for fact that this is true. I have often thought to myself why a person is the way that they are. I usually always try to get to know someone before I judge them and it usually helps them me know where they are coming from. I always try to treat everyone the way that I would want to be treated, because you never know what someone has to deal and what makes them the way that they are.

I really liked these themes because they are very true and if you would jusst take some time to put yourself in someone else's shoes and get to know them, I believe things will start to come clear.

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