Thursday, March 22, 2007


What I am now writing online today is going to be about politics and/or discrimination and the really sad part about the what happened in the past is so cruel that it makes me wonder why people hate another being so much. I mean come on, we have a lot of things that are similar to one another. We share the same sky, the same earth, the same stars, and even the same air. So what could possibly so different about us? So why couldn’t people accept people for who they truly are? I mean even now it’s kind of hard for us teenagers, if we are too big, some people look at funny. And if your too thin, the people still look at you funny.
And if your nerdy of if your preppy or even stuck in between, it shouldn’t really matter about the looks or how much money this person has. It should only really matter about that person’s personality. Some people might even try to act cool in some places so that they could be in their ‘group’, but then at the end if that person finds out who you really are, it’s going to come with some consequences, good or bad. But, hey, if that’s what you want to do, then go for it, feel free to in fact. But what makes me sad is how society is trying to provoke people to be skinny, just like in some magazines. But who I really look up to are people who are themselves (or trying to be at least) everywhere they go.
~~I have a few questions for you:~~
~1. If you were with the ‘popular’ kids at school and they did crack, or weed, or whatever, would you do it too?
~2. (Referring to question # 1.) If they pressure you to do it, would you?
~3. Are you choosing the right kind of friends?
~4. Are you unhappy about it?
~5. What would you do if you were stuck in a life or death position between your family or your friends, what would you do?
~6. Do you think that your friends are going to help you?
~7. If you were stuck in jail, which one do you think will be most likely to get you out? Family of friends?

What I am trying to do is get through to you is that what your changing about yourself good for you or bad? Does it really matter what other people think? Because it really shouldn’t. And I none of the questions refer to you then good for you, your doing the right thing. Does it matter if someone calls you fat, even though everybody knows that your skinny, and you try to change yourself to be even skinnier by starving yourself or some other crazy stuff? Does it really matter what everybody thinks? Even the smallest discrimination like calling an Asian person really smart or calling an African American that they are dirty or that blondes are really stupid can really hurt somebody. I know from one of the experiences But what I want to get across to you is be yourselves no matter if your really ‘popular’ or not.

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