Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Mockingbird Trials

So the trial was quite upsetting to me, but I suspected that Tom was going to be found guilty, because he was black and the book is set in a time a where the people were very racists.

I felt bad for Jem, because he got into the trial and was positive that there was no way that the jury could find Tom guilty. All through the trial he would say "We got 'em now" and other things like that. These couple of chapters about the trial shows how Jem is growing up and is understanding a lot of things, but still has a lot to learn. He said he thought that the citizens of Maycomb were the best people he had ever known and he didn't understand why they allowed Tom to be found guilty.

I found it kind of funny when Jem would say something concerning the case and Reverend Sykes would say that he shouldn't be talking about that in front of Scout, that she doesn't need to be hearing about all that and Jem would say that she had no idea what they were talking about because it was over her head and she wasn't old enough to understand. Scout being who she is would say I most certaintly do know what you are talking about and either Jem would decide that she was just saying that to try and prove that she was older or he would stop talking afraid that she really did understand.

I thought it was really nice for all the supporters of Tom Robinson to send Atticus and his family food for his efforts to help Tom Robinson.

What are your thoughts on the trial?

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