Friday, March 23, 2007

The END!

I have finally finished Mockingbird, it was beautiful! I loved the end, and how intense it had gotten for a second! What troubled me was the fact that Atticus was set on making Jem out to be the killer. Even after the sheriff told him it was not his fault, Atticus was determined on putting him to blame. I understood that he wanted a clean name for his son, but it went to drastic measures! (to me)

I loved Boo. How Scout was totally acting cool when she finally, after such a long time, saw him. She just ever so casually said, "Hey Boo." I thought that was cute. And when she was on the Radley porch with Boo, I thought it was adorable how much she thought about what it was like to be him.

I was really sad about Jem, especially when they made you think he was dead for a second. Then I remembered, no one could make a character like Jem die.

Another weird thing I thought about was how Boo found them. If he never goes outside, and never interacts with people, then how and why did he find them so fast? Which makes me think... he was watching them? If so...that's creepy?


But guess what?! Spring break is in about and hour :D

I don't know about you all, but I will be having the best time of my life!


What did everyone else think of the book?

Of Bob Ewell's death?

Or about Atticus basically wanting his son to be the murderer?

Have a nice night :d


Colten said...

If you remember during the fire he went outside and put a blanket on Scout. I think he has an elaborate system of underground tunnels to spy on people. That's how he put stuff in the tree.

Laura Stevens said...

i think you kidding.. but i cant tell

haha :D

Colten said...

I'm kidding, but that's the best explanation I have for how he knew everything was going on.

crossoverflash03 said...

YEA I'm glad Scout finally got to meet Boo. I was surprised that she was not afraid of him. Overall this book turned out way better than I thought it would be.