Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Nyah-nyah! I finished Mockingbird!!!!!

Ha-ha, yes, I've finished To Kill a Mockingbird. For obvious reasons, I can't discuss the ending in a post. But if you have finished it too, pleasepleaseplease comment me so we can talk about it. I also rented the movie and saw it. I'd just like to say that Dill was perfect, Jem and Scout were adorable, and Atticus was cool. The movie follows the book pretty closely though. I have to say that To Kill a Mockingbird is on my favorite book list.


Mrs. Valo♥ said...

I've almost finished the book myself. But I'd have to say it is a VERY bad book, and I havent seen the movie yet.

A_Band_Geek said...

I LOVED IT! HEEHEE! Oh my gosh, oh my gosh! I freaked out at the end! I mean I almost started dancing! =]

I LOVE THIS BOOK! I thank Mrs. James for letting us read this! I never would have picked it up otherwise!

Technolover said...

Awww. Why don't you like it?

Technolover said...

Ha-ha, yes, a_band_geek, I never would have picked up this book if it wasn't assigned.

A_Band_Geek said...

I almost started crying because they found Tom guilty after he had a good family, was a good man, and just because he was black. That's not right at all.

Sorry you don't like it. How far are you? Like chapter 28 or so?

Anonymous said...

how can you not not like it???
i am finally caught up =]
i kinda wanna just get it over with.
i dont see why you two like it so much.

omgzitsjenkins said...

What do you mean, Dill was perfect?


A_Band_Geek said...

Dill is... a strange child, but I have to say he might have been portrayed perfectly in the movie. I dunno, I haven't seen it! =] I wish I did though.

How can you not not not like it? lol I mean, this book is funny, thrilling, and gives you the sense of how wrong things were back then, and how so many thought them to be right. It's sickening to think about how they can easily condemn a man to death just because he's darker than them. I know exactly how Dill feels about this.

Mrs. Valo♥ said...

I know how things were back then, and this book is very dull and boring. im on chapter 30

A_Band_Geek said...

Wow... I know how things were back then, but I always love to read about that sort of stuff, no matter how much I knew already. I love to read about WWII and the mental hospitals back then. I'm against it all, but I still find it fascinating

Technolover said...

I like it because of the writing. It's so eloquent.