Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Racism and descrimination!

Okay so the links Ms.James gave us to go look at on her blog are pretty interesting!The face to face one is good because it tells you what it was like for Iraq and Afganistan people after the 9-11 attack and it tells how things changed for Japanese people after Pearl Habor and during World War II.It shows what it is like to be an american with the face of the United States enemy.In the link to the Emmit Till case a black man was brutally beaten and murdered because he whistled to a white woman.It is really sad how the jury,who were all white, didn't convict the men of murder and after the trial they confessed telling how they murdered Emmit Till and then laughed about it.Overall the links just tell about racism and discrimination through out american history.If you haven't taken a look at them I suggest you do because they are pretty good links and give you more of an idea of in the time period of To Kill A Mockingbird what life was like and why they say the things they do.


theBEST_bj said...

I read about Emmitt Till a long time ago:/. He had ihis eyes gauged out and stuff:(.

Laura Stevens said...

ya! i read the one about emmitt till as well!!
it was really sad
i cant believe anyone would do that to someone